• elder care


    Get Free access to many resources available for elderly
    and seniorpeople to take advantage of in your county :

    • 1. Assisted Living Houses
    • 2. Senior Education
    • 3. Elderly Law
    • 4. Hospice /Home Care
    • 5. Free Meals and Food
    • 6. Insurance/ General Info

Welcome to Free Senior Resources for Los Angeles / San Bernardino/Santa Clarita/Orange Counties

Our vision is that all seniors should have access to the resources that they are entitled to through their community, insurance, local non profit organizations or service for our country. Many seniors that we serve have simple needs but go without because they just don’t know how to connect to the resources that they need.
To find the assistance you’re looking for, you can either browse our site on your own, OR reach out to our call center at 866-670-1138 to talk to one of our care coordinators.

Senior Health Care Resources

There is a wide range of health care services that can be given in your home for an illness or injury, is more convenient than outpatient therapy.

Assisted Living Resources

Our caring staff can help you learn about housing with assistance for low income/ disabled seniors and many other great programs to help you improve your quality of life.

Meals/Nutrition Resources

Learn about nutrition services for seniors, including congregate meals, home-delivered meals, and other supportive programs.

General Senior Resources

Resources for all aspects of life as an older adult in California. Health Care, Housing, Aging in Place, Senior Education, Elder Law, and much more.

How can we help

Free Senior Resources website provides to seniors and or their families access to resources their local community has to offer. Our service is absolutely free to our visitors and our aim is to connect them to services which they are in need for.

Need an advice?

Please Fill out the form below with your questions and we will be able to get back to yiu with answers usually within 24 hours.

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